Modern Flames Electric Fireplaces

Ultra-realistic flame patterns and innovative technology.

Modern Flames has made it possible for electric fireplaces to stand next to the organic allure of gas and wood systems — setting the new industry standard and making a case for homeowners and designers alike to choose electric.

It’s technology maintains natural fire ambiance and heat output, without the mess or waste of traditional fireplaces.

Proprietary LED Lighting Techniques

The ever-popular LED flame technology is ideal for those who are looking to lower their electricity costs through energy-saving appliances.

Using proprietary LED lighting techniques and attractive designs, Modern Flames is widely regarded as a forward-thinking manufacturer with customers’ desires at top of mind, whether for hotels, restaurants, corporate offices, or residential living rooms.


Modern Flames is innovating the industry standards of tomorrow. Their selection of sleek, modern fireplaces evolve every year and are developed by hearth experts in Arizona with community in mind, from concept to completion.

European Home Electric Fireplaces
Modern Flames Electric Fireplace
Modern Flames Electric Fireplaces

Watch Videos:

Modern Flames Landscape Pro Slim Electric Fireplace
Modern Flames Orion Electric Fireplace
Modern Flames Spectrum Slimline Electric Fireplace